How Search Engines works?
Most of the search engines,
including Google work on web crawling, indexing algorithm and page rank. The
search engine crawls hundreds and thousands of WebPages and maintain an Index
which they use to search based on the search keywords. Better the indexing algorithm,
better is the search performance of the search engine. The search indexing
algorithm is a confidential property of the search engine and is not shared by
the search engine company. The search engine companies regularly updates the
algorithm to optimize the performance of the search engine.
Googlebot is Google’s web crawler which crawls across the
web finding and retrieves pages. Googlebot finds pages based on:
- The webmaster can submit a URL to Googlebot at:
- Googlebot finds the web page by crawling the web
Googlebot submits the full text of the page to Google
Indexer which creates a database where indexes are sorted alphabetically based
on search terms. Each index stores a list of documents where these terms
Google maintains two separate index:
- Main Index - Where google query executes
- Supplementary Index – This is a compressed summary index
Google query processor includes the page rank algorithm
which ranks every page based on the relevance of the page to the query. A
webpage with higher page rank is shown above the webpage with a lower page rank
in the google search result.
You can check your website’s page rank at:
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